Welcome to Hydrobiology

Hydrobiology PNG is an environmental consulting company. We are a PNG registered company and are part of the Australian based Hydrobiology group.

Our focus is on the physical, biological and chemical processes of environmental systems. We specialise in providing cost effective field survey and consulting services for our clients for both land and marine based studies and have very extensive experience with the resource industry. We also offer expert services to clients overseas.

Hydrobiology PNG
We continue to provide services across a range of diverse project sectors including mining, oil and gas, agribusiness, hydropower and civil infrastructure, on top of our ongoing independent peer review work for major project EIS studies.

Mr Ninkama Yoba is our PNG Representative. Ninkama brings many years of experience as an environmental professional gained from both Australia and PNG and has been busy flying the flag for Hydrobiology PNG.

Catch up with us at
the mining and petroleum
investment conference.

