Happy World Environment Day 2020!

Hydrobiology has been busy this month conducting field surveys in some of the worlds most remote and beautiful locations. World Environment Day 2020: The foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. The work we complete ensures our clients follow…

Publication by Hydrobiology to protect the fish diversity of Lake Kutubu in PNG

Hydrobiology’s Justin Cutajar and Ross Smith, together with invasive species specialist Ron Thresher, have recently published a journal article concerning tilapia control in one of the most iconic perched lakes of PNG. The control of tilapia in Lake Kutubu is paramount to the survival of 13 endemic threatened fish species and continual provision of protein…


It goes without saying that COVID-19 (coronavirus) has well and truly disrupted all aspects of our lives. Here at Hydrobiology, our focus firmly remains on two things: keeping our staff healthy and safe across all our operations and the ongoing servicing of our clients’ needs. Despite the current business landscape, we’re passionate about delivering world-class marine and aquatic…

Hydrobiology in New Zealand

Hydrobiology in New Zealand

Hydrobiology was recently in New Zealand with Aerialsmiths Surveying New Zealand to characterize the different River Styles of the Waipā catchment for Waikato Regional Council. This is some of the first of this kind of catchment-scale geomorphic characterization to be undertaken for a local govt in NZ. Understanding river character & behaviour, & respecting river…


Hydrobiology field staff recently returned from Brazil where they completed another large-scale marine and coastal environmental monitoring survey. Using locally sourced boats, the project team sampled at over 150 sites spanning 500 km of Atlantic coastline. Adopting a ‘multiple-lines of evidence’ approach, the scientific program included eDNA, fish hydro-acoustics and trawling, plankton tows, sediment grabs,…

Water Quality Guidelines Workshop in Brisbane

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Australia (SETAC-AU) has recently hosted a series of Water Quality Guidelines workshops with the support of the Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association (ACLCA). Key authors of the revised Australian and New Zealand Governments Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZG 2018, https://www.waterquality.gov.au/anz-guidelines) presented at the workshops. As…

Renewable Energy Presentation to Bangladesh’s Renewable Energy Development Authority

Hydrobiology’s Dr Andy Markham traveled to Bangladesh with Dr Trang Huynh and Dr Frances Alexander to present the outcomes of the first stage of an Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded renewable energy project to Bangladesh’s Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA).  Representatives from the Ministries of Fisheries and Livestock, Power, Energy and Mineral Resources attended the…