2017 Pre-wet REMP Sampling in the Fitzroy Basin

Hydrobiology’s Ecology and Biodiversity Management team have recently completed several receiving environment monitoring program (REMP) surveys across the Fitzroy Basin. There have been strong rainfalls throughout the region over the past two months, and many sites that have often been dry are now flowing. Hydrobiology have critically sampled and assessed aquatic habitat, stream flow, surface…

Perth Office has moved

After 9 years in our previous office in East Perth, we have moved to the suburb of West Leederville. It’s about the same distance from the CBD (a few blocks) but in a more high-profile location and closer to most of our Perth clients. The new office has better storage and meeting facilities as well…

Southwestern Snake-necked Turtle

Our latest encounter with the Southwestern Snake-necked Turtles (Chelodina (Macrodiremys) colliei) as part of our recent surveys of the Avon River in Western Australia. The survey included sampling of water quality, macroinvertebrates and fish. The Southwestern Snake-necked turtle is endemic to the region and lives in permanent freshwater and seasonal swamps. Females will start laying their eggs in the coming…

DGT Conference 2017

At the DGT 2017 Conference held on the Gold Coast from the 5th to the 8th of September, Dr Trang Huynh discussed the challenges of using the Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT) technique in regulatory application to replace the four steps in the ANZECC decision tree for assessing metals in water and the advantages…