Today is ‘World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2023’ promoting “Our Minds, Our Rights” and specifically within Australia; ‘Queensland Mental Health Week (7th – 15th October 2023) promoting “Awareness. Belonging. Connection”. The World Health Organisation describes today as “an opportunity for people and communities to unite behind the theme: ‘Mental health is a universal human right‘ to improve knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s mental health as a universal human right.
Hydrobiology understands the importance of mental and physical health and we are committed to promoting awareness and creating a working environment where our Employees feel safe and supported.
We all spend a significant amount of time in the workplace; it can provide a positive sense of community and connection with others as well as build self-esteem, provide recognition and rewards for individuals and teams. Workplaces can have a positive impact on the mental well-being of workers, which can in turn have an impact on productivity. Maintaining mental well-being is as important to our overall well-being, as is our physical health.. Therefore let’s take the time together to promote Mental Health awareness, harness belonging and foster meaningful connections with our employees, clients, work colleagues, family and friends, today and everyday..
For helpful tips, advice & resources, please visit: ‘Look After Your Mental Health Australia’
#QAMH #MentalHealth #MentalWellbeing #CommunityMentalHealth #CommunityMentalWellbeing #QMHW #WMHD2023