SETAC Australasia (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) 2023 Conference was held in Townsville, Queensland, Australia from the 7th to 11th August 2023, with the overarching theme being “Source to Sink: Engaging with Stakeholders to Protect our Environment”. The conference focussed on the sharing and application of knowledge across multiple stakeholder groups with the overall aim of improving and protecting our environment. Hydrobiology was well represented by Dr. Ross Smith (Director) and Dr. Nadeeka Rathnayake (Scientist in Environmental Chemistry & Geochemistry- Environmental Risk Assessment Team) each presenting on some of the in-depth studies derived from our various fieldwork sites around the world.
Dr. Nadeeka Rathnayake’s presentation focused on “Application of Multidisciplinary Weight of Evidence Approach for Regulatory Framework of Water/Sediment Quality Management”, while Dr. Ross Smith presented on the subject of: “Has the Rio Doce ‘Time Bomb’ Been Defused? Using a Weight-of-Evidence Approach to Determine Sediment Quality”. Each of these Hydrobiology specialist presentations were very well received by a wide range of fellow SETAC attendees, which included Scientists from a variety of disciplines in Research, Industry and Government.
Our very own Dr. Ross Smith was also one of the Facilitator’s of the ‘Temporary Waters Workshop’, sponsored by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Overall this year’s SETAC Conference was a great networking opportunity for Hydrobiology to showcase our award winning expertise and experience in Environmental Consulting!