🤝 This week, Hydrobiology proudly supports “World Wetlands Day” with the impactful theme for 2025; “Protecting Wetlands for our Common Future!” World Wetlands Day is recognised as a United Nations International Day of importance, celebrated yearly on the 2nd February.
🌏 World Wetlands Day is a day intrinsically important to Hydrobiology, as it is a time to raise awareness about our precious wetlands; by joining people around the globe in celebrating the value and beauty of our planet’s wetlands and how we can we contribute to the collective effort of creating a viable and resilient planet.
📢 It calls nations and each of us to act on behalf of these highly productive natural environments, whose existence is interlaced with our own. It is an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with nature, recognize the importance of environmental stewardship, and take steps towards a more sustainable future.
💡 According to the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), World Wetlands Day has been commend since 1997, to raise public awareness of wetland values, benefits and assist in promoting the conservation and responsible use of wetlands. Nearly 90% of the world’s wetlands have been degraded since the 1700s, with a loss of over 30% since the 1970s; hence our planet is continuing to lose these vital wetlands 3 times faster than forests!
🐟 At Hydrobiology, we recognise and embrace the challenges ahead, and the global quest to respect and protect our environment. It is our ongoing responsibility to continue to look after our environment to support environmental health and wellbeing, now and into the future for generations to come!