An exciting week for #freshwatersciences with the International Freshwater Sciences 2023 Conference being held in Brisbane last week, from the 3rd – 7th June 2023. Almost 800 scientists from around the globe gathered to attend the conference, along with the collaboration of the Society of Freshwater Science and the Australian and New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Societies. It was invigorating to see all of the challenges being tackled and novel approaches being developed within this space, and overall a great networking opportunity for Hydrobiology to showcase our expertise and experience in freshwater ecosystems!
Hydrobiology was well represented by Dr Wayne Bannister (Environmental Scientist) and Dr Quanhong Lin (Project Manager) from our Singapore Office, along with Justin Cutajar (Principal Scientist) from our Brisbane Office, each presenting on pioneering studies from some of our various work sites around the world. Well done team!