Some may say that times are tough and the future looks a little bit rough, so Hydrobiology is doing our part and turning our focus towards the sustainability arts. Ok, so our poetry isn’t great, but we love a good scientific challenge!
At Hydrobiology we have been applying our diverse in-house expertise to undertake science and evidence-based approaches to some exciting novel renewable energy projects. We were excited to be involved in a pioneering floating solar project in Bangladesh, completing a Critical Habitat Assessment and scientifically robust baseline assessments to inform understanding of the potential impacts of this rapidly evolving renewable energy form. We applied Good International Practice guidelines to ensure that the project conformed to International Environmental Safeguard requirements, ensuring that this innovative renewable energy approach benefited local communities and the environment on which they depend. More recently, we’ve conducted renewable energy projects in Mongolia, where we gathered data and assessed the potential impact on the region’s unique ecosystems based on International Finance Corporation (IFC) performance standards.
Building on these experiences, we are excited to announce that Hydrobiology will be acting as an advisor to a major Multilateral Finance Institute in 2024, ensuring that their projects in South Asia are scientifically robust and completed to the highest environmental safeguards requirements. Check out our Sustainability Capability Statement (below) for more on our work!