World Mental Health Day 2023

Today is ‘World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2023’ promoting “Our Minds, Our Rights” and specifically within Australia; ‘Queensland Mental Health Week (7th – 15th October 2023) promoting “Awareness. Belonging. Connection”. The World Health Organisation describes today as “an opportunity for people and communities to unite behind the theme: ‘Mental health is a universal human…


AMSA WA ‘Marine Snap Chat’ Event 2023

Last week, Dr Aidan Long (Environmental Scientist) and Kesia Savill (Environmental Scientist) from our Hydrobiology WA office, presented at the Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) WA ‘Marine Snap Chat’ Event, showcasing some interesting new research the WA Team has completed. Aidan spoke about modelling 5 years of marine water quality data at Koolan Island to…


Hydrobiology’s Drone / UAV Capabilities

Hydrobiology has integrated drone imagery and data to complement and enhance field studies since 2017. In April, our Western Australia office was awarded the CASA Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operator’s Certificate. We are happy to offer existing and new clients our UAV-generated high resolution RTK-fixed georeferenced 3D Models, point clouds, Digital Surface Models (DSMs), 2D orthomosaics…


Hydrobiology attends Subsea Energy Australia Forum 2023

Dr. Sander Scheffers of Hydrobiology delivered a compelling presentation at the Subsea Energy Australia Forum last Thursday, shedding light on the decommissioning potential within the offshore industry. He emphasized the crucial role of regulatory frameworks, notably NOPSEMA, in guiding responsible decommissioning practices. Dr. Scheffers advocated for Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) as a sustainable and biodiversity enhancing…


Hydrobiology’s Offshore Renewables Capability

Hydrobiology welcomes last week’s announcement from Minister Chris Bowen, with public consultations due to open for the remaining two proposed offshore renewables areas by the end of 2023. With a potential declaration by mid-2024 for the Perth-Bunbury area (Whadjuk, Pindjarup and Wardandi sea country), our local knowledge can help deliver the best environmental outcome for…


SETAC Australasia 2023 Conference (Townsville, QLD)

SETAC Australasia (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) 2023 Conference was held in Townsville, Queensland, Australia from the 7th to 11th August 2023, with the overarching theme being “Source to Sink: Engaging with Stakeholders to Protect our Environment”. The conference focussed on the sharing and application of knowledge across multiple stakeholder groups with the overall…


Join our Team- Project Manager (ERA)

Project Manager (Scientist; Environmental Risk Assessment- Environmental Consulting) Position Overview We are currently looking for an enthusiastic and motivated Project Manager to join our Hydrobiology QLD (ERA) Environmental Risk Assessment Team! You will have a Postgraduate Degree (preferably Masters or equivalent) in Ecotoxicology or Environmental Chemistry; as this role demands a high level of scientific…


Naidoc week 2023- For our Elders

This week from the 2nd to the 9th July 2023 Hydrobiology celebrates the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognises the importance of NAIDOC Week 2023 with this year’s theme: ‘#ForOurElders’. #NAIDOCWeek is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity for us to to learn more about…
