Hydrobiology field staff recently returned from Brazil where they completed another large-scale marine and coastal environmental monitoring survey. Using locally sourced boats, the project team sampled at over 150 sites spanning 500 km of Atlantic coastline. Adopting a ‘multiple-lines of evidence’ approach, the scientific program included eDNA, fish hydro-acoustics and trawling, plankton tows, sediment grabs,…


Water Quality Guidelines Workshop in Brisbane

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Australia (SETAC-AU) has recently hosted a series of Water Quality Guidelines workshops with the support of the Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association (ACLCA). Key authors of the revised Australian and New Zealand Governments Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZG 2018, https://www.waterquality.gov.au/anz-guidelines) presented at the workshops. As…


Renewable Energy Presentation to Bangladesh’s Renewable Energy Development Authority

Hydrobiology’s Dr Andy Markham traveled to Bangladesh with Dr Trang Huynh and Dr Frances Alexander to present the outcomes of the first stage of an Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded renewable energy project to Bangladesh’s Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA).  Representatives from the Ministries of Fisheries and Livestock, Power, Energy and Mineral Resources attended the…


New Appointment

Hydrobiology is pleased to announce the appointment of a new staff member. Denise Cassina joins the Perth Office as the Office Administrator, she has over 10 years of experience with proven administration management capabilities across a wide range of industries. She also holds an Advanced Diploma in Work Health and Safety and brings her experience…


SSSI Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Seminar, Perth

Hydrobiology recently attended the ‘Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute’ (SSSI) Seminar on ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and other Technological Considerations’ in Perth. Highlights included the use of ‘Augmented Reality’ to assess rock face stability, Landgate’s Urban Monitor Project from which local councils can count and, in some instances, identify species of woody trees and the development of…


Indigenous Mapping Workshop- Perth, WA

  Hydrobiology’s own James Keating- Project Manager, Marine and Coastal Sciences attended the Indigenous Mapping Workshop in Perth this week, where he presented a workshop on the application of satellite imaging and remote sensing to estimate the severity and area of fire scars. The feedback, knowledge and stories provided by the attendees and the practical…


Renewable Energy in South Asia

Umbrellas are out as early monsoon rains in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh have coincided with the start of Hydrobiology’s field program to help assess a range of potential sites for floating solar, as part of a country-wide ADB renewable energy project. We are excited to be working with a fantastic team of local…
